Regulatory Compliance Consulting Firm

South Carolina Issues Hurricane Assistance Bulletin

In the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, the South Carolina Department of Insurance issued Bulletin 2019-08 on September 6, 2019, requiring additional assistance from all licensed entities or individuals. The Bulletin requires insurers, HMOs, and other licensed or authorized entities and individuals to assist and work with South Carolina citizens and business impacted by the hurricane by providing additional relief from certain standard requirements.

The Department provides a non-exhaustive list of examples of relief which it expects insurers to extend to citizens and businesses, including: extending premium payment and proof of loss deadlines, allowing additional time before non-renewals or cancellations, waiving limitations relating to the use of out-of-network providers and one early refill or replacement refill for prescription drugs as well as a waiver of fees and penalties relating to any insured’s temporary inability to submit premium payments or otherwise respond as the result of the declared disaster. While the Department maintains that all licensees must comply with South Carolina law, any exceptions or relief focused on providing additional consumer protections and applied consistently to all insureds directly impacted by the hurricane will not be considered unfairly discriminatory.

For more information about South Carolina’s Bulletin 2019-08, or any other regulatory compliance matters, please contact Westmont Associates, Inc.


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1763 Marlton Pike East, #200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Phone: 856-216-0220