Regulatory Compliance Consulting Firm

Wyoming Insurance Department: New Business Entity License Requirements

Wyoming Insurance Department recently changed their requirements for business entity producer licenses. The licenses used to be perpetual, but now expiration dates will be applied and renewals will be required.
Here is the original note from Wyoming Insurance Department:
***Due to law change WY business entity licenses will no longer be perpetual.  Expiration dates will be applied and renewals will be required.***
  • Expiration dates will be applied in the system and available to view mid-July.
  • Renewals will be based on license issue month and will start in October. (Verify your renewal/expiration date through any license look-up tool starting mid-July)
Westmont can help track, renew, and maintain all of your insurance licenses. Contact us today for a quote.
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1763 Marlton Pike East, #200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Phone: 856-216-0220