Regulatory Compliance Consulting Firm

New Address for the Arkansas Insurance Department

On March 9, 2020, the Arkansas Insurance Department issued Bulletin No. 4-2020 informing insurance carriers, producers, licensed entities, and any other interested parties of its address change effective March 15, 2020. The new mailing address for the Department will be:
Arkansas Insurance Department
1 Commerce Way, Suite 102
Little Rock, AR 72202
Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 23-79-138(a)(3), policies issued after March 15, 2020 should contain the new Department address. Furthermore, the Department asks that policies issued after March 15, 2020 also include the following language:
“Policyholders have the right to file a complaint with the Arkansas Insurance Department (AID). You may call AID to request a complaint form at (800) 852-5494 or (501) 371-2640 or write the Department at:”
For any questions regarding the new Arkansas Insurance Department address requirements, please contact Westmont Associates, Inc.
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1763 Marlton Pike East, #200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Phone: 856-216-0220